Highlights of Some Research Findings

According to the Point of Purchase Institute displays using motion have been determined to be the most effective advertising in product sales.

According to the Point of Purchase Institute displays using motion have been determined to be the most effective advertising in product sales.

The Transportation Advertising Council of America (TACA), a specialty group of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, confirmed mobile media’s effectiveness in a 2001 study. According to Outdoor Advertising Magazine (July/August 2002), TACA’s market research indicated that:

  • Messages on outdoor mobile billboards have a 97% recall rate.
  • 96% of respondents said mobile is more effective than traditional outdoor advertising.

Findings By 3M

3M in their research on mobile advertising include:

  • 91% of the target audience noticed text and graphics on mobile billboards.
  • 35% of respondents looked closely at the mobile units.
  • 29% of those surveyed said they would buy products advertised on mobile displays.
  • 75% of individuals develop an impression about a company and its products or services after seeing mobile unit with graphics or van graphics.